Friday, February 18, 2011

Forever Friends....

Our lesson this past week in Early Childhood..on the Road to Emmaus..Luke 24:13-35
Jesus loves me and Jesus wants to be my friend forever!

Two of Jesus followers were talking as they walked along the road to Emmaus. They were just walking along and talking as friends usually do.... suddenly another friend joined them. "What are you talking about?" the third friend asked.
They stopped and stood still, their faces sad. God kept them from recognizing the third friend as Jesus. The one named Cleopas said, "You must be a visitor to Jerusalem or you would know what has happened here the past few days." "Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people, was handed over to be sentenced to death....nailed to a cross!" They had many questions in their minds about the events that had taken place. The visitor said to them, "How slow you are to believe what the prophets have spoken. Did not Jesus have to suffer these things and then enter His glory as the Scriptures foretold.

As they approached the village where they were going, they urged the visitor to stay with them and eat with them. They were having such a good time talking with Him that they wanted Him to stay. When they sat at the table, He took bread, gave thanks, and broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized that He disappeared from their sight.

Jesus loved His friends so much and loved spending time with them. Jesus loves you and wants to spend time with you, too! He is your friend and wants to be your friend and spend time with you forever!

Yes! Jesus loves you so much! He loves it when you talk to Him, when you come to church and learn about Him, when you sing to Him......He loves you all the time.

Jesus, thank you for listening to us. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being our forever friend. We love you! Amen!

Parents: We would love for you to review the lesson with your kids each week. We want to partner with you to share the Living Word with them....make it fun for them to learn and to help them in their spiritual journey.

Dates for your Calendar:

Sunday, April 10 - Parent/Infant Dedication - 4:00-6:00pm

Sunday, May 22 - Kindergarten Graduation/Luncheon - 1:30-3:00pm

Sunday, June 5 - Promotion Sunday

June 20 - 24, 2011 - VBS - Panda Mania

Until next week....God bless, Carole Miller, Early Childhood Director

Friday, February 11, 2011

There's Gonna Be a Party.....

Good Afternoon All .....During February in the
Early Childhood Department our Bottom Line
is that Jesus Loves Me

Last week, we learned about "The Great Banquet", Luke 14:16-24 and that Jesus loves Everyone!

Jesus told a story about a man who was preparing a BIG party. He had invited many people to come, but when the day of the big party arrived and the message was sent out "Come, everything is ready, those invited had all kinds of excuses why they could not come. "I've got to go grocery shopping", "I'm going to be playing with my friend", "I'm tired and need to take a nap", "I want to try out my new video game".

The owner of the house was very upset and ordered his helper to go out into the streets of the town, country roads, to go everywhere and invite all people he saw. The man wanted his house to be full at the party. Many came, but there was still room. The door was closed to the party and the master said, "I tell you not one of those who were invited and made excuses will get a taste of my dinner."

When Jesus asks you to come to His party, drop everything. This is one party you won't want to miss. If you accept Jesus' invitation, you will live with Him in heaven. He will make a place for you there and you will party with Him forever!

What we will be learning the remainder of February:

2/13/11 - Jesus wants to spend time with me. "Road to Emmaus"...Luke 24:13-17, 28-31
2/20/11 - Jesus cares for me. "Washes Feet" ...John 13:1-15
2/27/11 - Jesus wants me to love others. "The Good Samaritan" ...Luke 10:25-37

If you would like to sing this month's Worship song with your children, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me", drop me a note at the e-mail below and I will have a copy available for you at the Security Check-In on Sunday.

Some important upcoming dates:

Sunday, March 20....Volunteer Roundtable/Luncheon (Kindergarten)....1:00-3:00pm
Sunday, April 10.... Parent/Infant Dedication....4:00-6:00pm
Sunday, May 15 ... Volunteer Roundtable/Luncheon (Preschool)....1:00-3:oopm
Sunday, May 22 ... Kindergarten Graduation/Luncheon ....1:30-3:00pm
Sunday, June 5 ... Promotion Sunday
June 20-24, 2011 ...VBS
Sunday, June 26 ...Volunteer/Roundtable/Luncheon (2's) ....1:00-3:00pm
Sunday, July 24 ... Volunteer/Roundtable/Luncheon (1's) .... 1:00-3:00pm

As always, I love sharing this time with you. I'm always available at

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Morning Heroes

Children's ministry workers filled with passion show up every Sunday morning at Park Chapel coming in quietly and pretty much unnoticed. We are very fortunate that they do....our ministry would pretty much wither and die without them!

Here's some of the things I see on typical Sunday mornings. These things particularly I saw last Sunday.
  • Mr. Gregg lovingly holding a little 2 yr old that is crying and doesn't want to be put down, all while he is still facilitating his class.
  • Ms Tanya caring for 8- 1 yr olds when her helper couldn't show up.
  • A little girl in the kindergarten class rubbing Ms Kari's back and touching her hair.....looks like she adored her. All the little girls want to sit as close to Ms Kari as possible.
  • Brian Jeffries and his 2 daughters Ashley and Emily who have been so committed to the 4 yr old class for the last 3 years.
  • Emily Weber....always there ...always on time....a gifted teenager working with the little kids.
  • Ms Nina.....storyteller extraordinaire....teaching the story of Samuel hearing from God while sleeping.
  • The love and patience I see in every classroom I pass by.
  • Jason & Kristy Thomas ....rearranged their serving at the Crossing so that they could fill 2 huge needs for me in 2 different classrooms.
  • AND every other person serving in the Early Childhood department last Sunday.....I love you all.
The scripture from Romans 12:11 reads "never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord." I love the way the Children's NIrV reads "Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord."

I know that these volunteers serving in the Early Childhood department have a fire in their heart for these little ones. They are serving the Lord and it is a great blessing to me, the children, their families and especially for them. The are "Sunday Morning Heroes".

If you have a fire in your heart to serve in the Children's Ministry or feel a flame trying to ignite, let's talk. I can share with you many opportunities and ways to make a difference. Most of the time, you will be the one that is most blessed.

It is a very special person who will rearrange and priortize their calendar for the chance to make an eternal difference in kids' lives.

Contact me at anytime....with questions, concerns or praises!

God bless.....see you here next week,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fighting For The Heart

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 reads, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. The commandements I give you today must be in your hearts. Make sure your children learn them. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed.

When you look at the Deuteronomy passage "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength," it doesn't leave much else. That's pretty much everything you are!

As Children's ministry leaders, volunteers and parents, we are definitely in a fight for the hearts of our children in a fallen, depraved world.

All families argue and have fights and all parents and children argue and have fights; but as we fight for our child's heart, there is a world of difference between fighting with someone and fighting for someone. When you fight with someone, you want to win. When you fight for someone, you want that person to win. When you fight with people, walls are built up. When you fight for people, walls come down. When you fight with people, relationships are jeopardized. When you fight for people, relationships are prioritized.

Sometimes it is easy to forget that you can win the argument and force the right behavior but lose the heart in the process. If you want to pass on a legacy to your children and the next generation, it has to be transferred relationally. One of the most powerful things a parent can do is learn to communicate in a way that values the heart and relationship.

As parents, we fight for the hearts of our children who we love; just as we have seen God through the generations fight for the hearts of the people He loves. We can say to our children, "You can give God your heart and soul and love Him with everything, because you can trust Him forever."

Our children's trust is affected and their confidence in us when we....
...discipline in anger
...use words that communicate rejection
...ignore their voices
...don't try to understand them and who they really are
...take things too personally

How trustworthy we are as parents is so important for the growth of our children. Your ability, strength and desire to love your children the right way starts with learning how to love God the right way (with all our heart, soul, and strength).

Again, I'm praying for each family as we partner together to fight for the hearts of the children.

Contact me anytime....I'd love to hear from you at

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Am Special to God

The basic truth for the month of January has been God Made Me. It is never too early for your child to hear the basic truths that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Whisper it to them as they fall asleep. Sing it to them as you change their diaper. Rhyme it with them as you practice clapping. Incorporating these truths into your daily routine now creates a lasting spiritual foundation for later.
  • No one has more potential to influence your child than you.
The fact that you are the primary influence in your child's life is something you probably already know. Most parents realize the relationships they build with their children are very important. Hopefully we are aware that we are the greatest influence of our children during their most formative years. Good or bad, you will influence your children. Teachers, pastors, and coaches will never have the same potential as a parent to influence a child's character, self-esteem, perspectives or faith. The teacher, pastor, or coach will have influence that is temporary. It will come and go during the different stages of your child's life. Your influence as a parent will be permanent.
  • You are not the only influence needed in your child's life.
Reality is that one day your children will seek affirmation and approval from other adults besides you. Become intentional about enlisting other trusted adults to influence your kids. Don't depend on your own limited capacity or let them just depend on random influences to shape their character and faith. Invite other leaders into your children's lives.

This brings us to the 3rd point.
  • Two combined influences will make a greater impact than just two influences.
This is where the "orange" factor comes in. The color red represents the "unconditional love of the family. The color yellow represents the "light that comes from the influence of the larger community of faith". When these two influences come together and put intentional effort into the influence of the child, the result can be transformational.

It is our desire in the children's minsitry at Park Chapel that we can work with our volunteers, families and leaders to transform lives. Both the home and the Church exist because God created them and they can be the two most powerful influences on the planet.

I have been reading a book that I bought at "Orange Conference" last year entitled "Parenting Beyond Your Capacity," written by Reggie Joiner and Cary Nieuwhof. It is an excellent "read" and I would recommend it to every parent.

As always love to all of to you here again next week.

Contact me at

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hello everyone and welcome to Early Childhood Ministry at Park Chapel - a place for parents and volunteers of Park Chapel Christian Church to visit the Early Childhood Ministry. My name is Carole Miller and I am the Early Childhood Director. I have been at Park Chapel since late 2006 and I so love working with the wonderful volunteers, parents and especially the children that I get to share with on a regular basis. I have launched this site to help facilitate communication and resource support.

We use a wonderful curriculum at Park Chapel in the Early Childhood area called My First Look. For parents and volunteers reading this, I'm sure you would enjoy taking a look at the First Look website at ReThink's My First Look.

The Children's Ministry goal is to minister to each child and their family by showing them the eternal love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. In Early Childhood, My First Look curriculum provides the first chance to make a lasting impression about a heavenly Father as we teach them three main truths: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants To Be My Friend Forever.

What if you learned about your heavenly Father so early in life that you never lived a day without believing that He really loves you. Do you think that if a 4 yr old really believes God loves them, it would make a difference when they are 14, when they are 24? Do you think it would change their future?

The Children's Ministry team is here for you and would love to answer any questions you might have. We would also like to share concerns and definitely "praises". Contact me at

Please visit for more general information about the ministries at Park Chapel.

God bless you,
Carole Miller
Early Childhood Director
Park Chapel Christian Church
Greenfield, Indiana