The basic truth for the month of January has been God Made Me. It is never too early for your child to hear the basic truths that
God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Whisper it to them as they fall asleep. Sing it to them as you change their diaper. Rhyme it with them as you practice clapping. Incorporating these truths into your daily routine now creates a lasting spiritual foundation for later.
- No one has more potential to influence your child than you.
The fact that you are the primary influence in your child's life is something you probably already know. Most parents realize the relationships they build with their children are very important. Hopefully we are aware that we are the greatest influence of our children during their most formative years. Good or bad, you will influence your children. Teachers, pastors, and coaches will never have the same potential as a parent to influence a child's character, self-esteem, perspectives or faith. The teacher, pastor, or coach will have influence that is temporary. It will come and go during the different stages of your child's life. Your influence as a parent will be permanent.- You are not the only influence needed in your child's life.
Reality is that one day your children will seek affirmation and approval from other adults besides you. Become intentional about enlisting other trusted adults to influence your kids. Don't depend on your own limited capacity or let them just depend on random influences to shape their character and faith. Invite other leaders into your children's lives.
This brings us to the 3rd point.
- Two combined influences will make a greater impact than just two influences.
This is where the "orange" factor comes in. The color red represents the "unconditional love of the family. The color yellow represents the "light that comes from the influence of the larger community of faith". When these two influences come together and put intentional effort into the influence of the child, the result can be transformational.
It is our desire in the children's minsitry at Park Chapel that we can work with our volunteers, families and leaders to transform lives. Both the home and the Church exist because God created them and they can be the two most powerful influences on the planet.
I have been reading a book that I bought at "Orange Conference" last year entitled "Parenting Beyond Your Capacity," written by Reggie Joiner and Cary Nieuwhof. It is an excellent "read" and I would recommend it to every parent.
As always love to all of to you here again next week.
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